Hosting a WordPress Site on EC2 with Security Features

Whether you're an aspiring e-tailer, blogger, or enthusiast looking to establish an online presence, WordPress offers unparalleled flexibility.
From crafting an online store to sharing your thoughts through a blog, WordPress can power a wide range of websites. In this tutorial, we'll cover the essentials of setting up your WordPress site on an Amazon EC2 instance, harnessing the scalability and reliability of the cloud. Furthermore, we'll implement security measures to fortify your website against potential threats. Let's embark on this journey to elevate your WordPress hosting experience!

Part 1: Setting up EC2 instance (SSH)

Part 2: Setting up Elastic IP and Security Groups

Part 3: Setting up Packages and System Security.

Part 4: Setting up WordPress

Part 5: Setting up Wordpress Security

Part 6: Setup Complete and Summary

Part 1: Setting up EC2 instance (SSH)

1. To begin, navigate to the AWS Console and sign in to your account. Once logged in, you'll gain access to the AWS Management Console, where you can manage your various AWS services, including EC2.

2. In the AWS Management Console, find and click on the "EC2" service to access the EC2 Dashboard. This is where you'll manage your instances.

3. Once in the EC2 Dashboard, locate and click on "Instances" in the left navigation pane. Here, you can view and manage your instances.

4. Click the "Launch Instance" button to initiate the process of creating a new EC2 instance. Follow the on-screen instructions to configure your instance settings.

5. During the launch process, provide the following instance details:

  • Instance Name: Choose a descriptive name like "MyWordPressSite."
  • Distribution: Select "Ubuntu" for this guide.
  • Instance Type: Opt for "t2.micro" (Free Tier eligible for this lesson).

  • SSH Key Pair: Create a new one with your chosen encryption method. Choose an existing one if you already poses one to use.

  • Security Group settings:
    • Enter edit mode for Security Group.
    • Disable auto-assign IP address.
    • Restrict SSH access to the specific IP address of your location for security reasons.
    • Allow HTTP and HTTPS access from anywhere for webpage access.
  • Storage Settings:
    • Select 10GB of storage.
    • Choose the storage type as General Purpose SSD (gp3).
  • Verify Settings and Launch:
    • Check the summary to ensure all settings are correct.
    • Verify your configuration.
    • Click "Launch" to initiate the instance creation.

Make sure not to lose the SSH Key Pair as it is crucial for SSH access and can create problems later on.

6. Once launched successfully, you'll see a confirmation message. Before proceeding to the LAMP stack installation for WordPress, configure the Elastic IP and Security Group settings.

We will be covering the next steps in Part 2: Setting up Elastic IP and Security Groups